Suicide is Becoming An Increasingly Alarming Mid-Life Concern

``Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.``

Art. Butchwald

Suicide is a subject-reality we all want to avoid, understandingly. It is a serious concern in our society and even worldwide. In a stage of mid-life crisis, the risk is even higher. We cannot avoid ignoring this threatening concern; it could happen in your family. Perharps you know someone who attempted against his/her life, maybe even succeeded? Perhaps you have been tempted? Losing a loved-one is intensively painful. Even more so, when this person choses to put an end to life. The guilt and the disappointment we may feel cannot be mentionned in any words, we question the reason for not seeing it coming.

Understanding the suicidal triggers, learning preventional signs of suicide as well as behavioural attitudes in an emergency situation can save a life.

You learn First Aid and CPR techniques to help you act quickly and safely in a situation of emergency. You hope never having to use it, on the other end if you’ve practiced First-Aid or/and CPR and you saved a life you feel happy and grateful!

An article written by Gail Rosenblum in The Star Tribune of March 28, 2008 reveals the following information:

``From 1999 to 2004, Public Health officials found an increase rate of about 20% among people in the mid-forties and mid-fifties. Suicide is the fourth most common cause of death.

Also,``according to The World Health Organization approximately 10 to 20 million people die of suicide every year, worldwide.

Dr Alex Crosby,a medical epidemiologist from the Center for Disease Control speaks:

``The findings are something to look at more closely. We’re really grappling to understand this better.`` he said, ``maybe this whole generation is at increased risk. There are issues around substance abuse, alcohol, depression and massive social changes.``


Thanks to the Canadian Mental Health Association and the Suicide Prevention Centre, the following PowerPoint slides helps us to visualize the increasing suicidal concern. I encourage you to visit the two following websites as these are enlightening information.

Suicide statistic information, on the website link, click statistic Canada link


As hard as this title may sound and feel to your ear and soul, it is a fact that we must not deny...we all ask ourselves that question...most particularly when the person we love decides to put an end to his or her life intentionally. We can't even begin to imagine the triggers that leads a person to make such a choice of decision. What went on in this person's mind?

We will try to answer this question, even though the real answer is buried with your loved one for life. But first, let’s demystify erroneous ideologies about suicide;


1. People committing suicide are ill persons. The answer is False. Anyone can have suicidal thoughts at one moment or another.

2. People who talk about suicide will not go as far as to commit the life-destructive act. The answer is False. We must always take these warnings very seriously.

3. Suicide is a genetic concern. The answer is False. There’s no such a thing as a suicide gene.

4. Suicide is an unpredictable act, we cannot prevent it. The answer is False. The majority of suicidal attempts are pre-announced.

5. Suicide is a personal choice. The answer is False. Suicide is an non-choice.


An act of suicide reveals a desperate cry for help that hasn’t been answered, ignored or simply misunderstood. It’s an expression of despair or complete discouragement; it’s a need for escape, much more than an intent to die.

According to the authors of The Peace of Mind Prescription:

``Suicide is usually the tragic final step in a long-standing cascade of mental illness that robs its victims of perspective and meaning. Things look quite different, of course, to most people seriously contemplating suicide. In the grip of depression or some other intense emotional pain, logic and reason become so warped that death seems both unavoidable and desirable.`

Reasons for people committing suicide

They are numerous; as a matter of fact, each individual has its reasons. Some causal reasons can be associated with:

Emotional abuse Physical abuse Sexual abuse Psychological illness Incarceration Battered individual by spouse Substance abuse Divorce or separation Physical pain (associated with illness) Loss of meaning of life Loss of loved one

People will feel:

Hopelessness, loneliness, humiliation and shame or hostility,discouragement

People will have:

Distorted beliefs about himself, about others and about living circumstances.

Major depressive disorders


Do not underestimate the following signs:

Statements such as the following must not be taken lightly specially if there’s a history of depression in the family:

  • ``You’d be better off without me``
  • ``I can’t take much more of this.``

    Using absolute statements such as:

  • Always
  • Never
  • Only
  • Forever

    Ex. Only Mom loved me.

    …If there as been a previous suicidal attempt in the past.

    (1/2 of the people that succeed had made previous attempts)

    Major change in personality or behaviour.

    Ex. : A person previously depressed demonstrate sudden happiness. They are relieved to have made up their mind to kill themselves.

    They become withdrawn, quiet, stop all activities.

    They will make changes in their will, putting affairs in order or give away valuable possessions. They Will make farewell phone calls or visits, write farewell letters or notes.

    Pay attention to changes in sleeping patterns, drug usage and normal posology

    Reckless behaviour.

    (ex. driving…)

    Talking about suicide or planning the suicidal act.


    Encourage the person to talk; avoid arguing, contradicting the content. Try to get a full picture of the situation. How does your love one see the world? Show you care

    i. I can tell you’re really hurting; I care about you. ii. I will do my best to help you. iii. Help find professional assistance. iv. Be attentive: with visits, phone calls after the crisis as passed. Don’t leave the person alone.

    Get help as quickly as possible particularly if this is a case of a suicidal attempt.

    Call 911 or/and the following number Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1800 273-talk(8255) in U.S.A.


    The twenty first century as its load of downfall and insecurities… wars, job losses, economic recession not to mention Mother Nature’s collaboration of natural catastrophes…. those are a few reasons triggering discouragement to people reaching the mid-life generations. This is a serious concern we must not underestimate…a world wide threat…

    The Sources: suicide-en-parler-pour-mieux-prévenir.html

    The Peace of Mind Prescription – An Authoritative Guide to Finding the Most Effective Treatment for Anxiety and Depression by Dennis S. Charney, M.D., Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D, Ph.D. with Stephen Braun p.136

    STAR TRIBUNE by Gail Rosemblum, MARCH 28,2008

    What do to if you're tempted to suicide.


    "People of every nations, age,socioeconomic status, and educational level, who are depressed; deeply despaired because of life's great sorrow, have successfully killed them self abruptly without plan, while others have, and are secretly planning their death precisely in every detail."